Dear users of the EduNET.LK Moodle

This site will be completely renewed immediately. The old site is archived under for four weeks. If you have any information you want to archive, please copy them before the end of March.

It was a creative and enjoyable time. Now we are moving to new terrain as you will soon see unter

Visvanath Ratnaweera
for EduNET/LK

"How versatile Moodle LMS is, by example", a workshop and Q&A session

7 March 2023, University of Ruhuna, Matara campus

More on EduNET.LK @ LEARN

"Moodle Administration Essentials", intensive 3-day workshop

In collaboration with LEARN

7-9 February 2023, University of Peradeniya

More... see the event page

Grade 11 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 2022 G.C.E. (O.L.)

Classes started on 27 September 2022, Late admissions till 4 October

For details and how to register..

Workshop: Moodle System Administration Basics, starting on 19 July 2022

This is an instructor-led workshop with hands-on exercises. In six sessions, each session lasting 2 hours, you will be guided through a series of hands-on exercises on your own computer. You will finish those exercises before the next session starts. Depending on your experience, it will take additional 1-2 hours of work on average. Consequently the total time required for the full workshop is 18-24 hours. For details see course catalog.

Workshop: Create your own online course, starting on 21 March 2022

The next training module is a workshop on creating your own online course. In this course school teachers create online courses collaborating with academics and other instructional designers. This is a long-term, low-intensity workshop starting from 21 March 2022.

In order to participate in the workshop the teachers need to have basic Moodle skills, either by passing our Module 2 or by demonstrating equivalent experience. The only hardware they need is a PC or a laptop with reliable Internet access. Very little background in IT is assumed. Details...