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An Easy Access to the Linux CLI
Sample courses
Linux CLI
Closing session
Closing session, presentation
Closing session, presentation
◄ Course evaluation
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Course outline
Survey of prior knowledge
Week 1. Topic "Unix vs Linux"
Week 1. Test on the talk "Unix vs Linux"
Week 1. Assignment: Get your Linux account
Week 2. Tutorial: A session with Linux
Week 2. Assignment: Record a terminal session
Week 2. Test: Essential commands
Week 3. Topic "Files and directories"
Week 3. Assignment: Create a directory structure
Week 3. Test on files and directories and on-line help
Week 4. Topic "Text editor"
Week 4. Test on text editor
Week 5. Topic "Interacting with others"
Week 5. Assignment "Interacting with others"
Course evaluation
Linux CLI
1. UNIX vs Linux
2. A session with Linux
3. Files and directories
4. Text editor
5. Interacting with others
Closing session
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