FOSS Group formed!

FOSS Group formed!

by Admin User (Syndrega) -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students

At the end of the Open Source modules for this year the Linux enthusiasts formed a FOSS Group on our site. The motivation is the recognition that by passively consuming courses will not take you to the next level. It starts by doing things, actively taking control of your path. The group already formed a sub-group documenting how they installed their Linux desktop and are willing to help newcomers who adapt to "their" Linux distribution. Another sub-group is on to creating a distributed network of "satellite" Moodle instances on Raspberry Pi, which gets content from a main Moodle site and merge their data back to the main site. For those who love teaching, as the saying goes, "teaching is the best way to learn", there's another sub-group forming to create course content for schools in the local languages and at the same time improving the Sinhala and Tamil language support in Moodle.

Our meeting point is You need an account on the site. If you don't have one, drop a mail to info-at-EduNET.LK. We had to close the self-registration due to spam.

P.S. Copy of an announcement made on